Make Healthy Eating an Adventure

March 2019

March is National Nutrition Month® as designated by the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. Ho hum, right? For many people, talking about nutrition rates right up there with stepping on the scale at the doctor’s office or finally going for that cleaning they’ve been putting off at the dentist’s. In other words, the fear that somebody is going to lecture me.


The topic of nutrition doesn’t have to be something to avoid. Quite the opposite! Have you ever thought that it can be an adventure?


Look at it this way. Today, we have access to so many fruits and vegetables and whole grains as well as fresh or frozen fish and other seafood. If you look at the produce section of your local grocery store, you’ll probably find several fruits and vegetables you’ve never tried. What if you’re missing out on something special?


Let’s look at kiwis, for example. They’re those fuzzy green oval fruits that are about the size of a Roma tomato. Did you know that, according to the United States Department of Agriculture, the average (69 grams) kiwi supplies 64 milligrams of vitamin C, 215 milligrams of potassium, 8 micrograms of vitamin K (an important factor in bone health and wound healing) and 1 gram of dietary fiber, all for about 42 calories? On top of all that, they taste very much like strawberries.


This month, make it a goal to try at least one new vegetable and one new fruit that you can incorporate into your diet. If you see one with which you aren’t familiar, look it up and find ways to enjoy it as well as its benefits. You just mind discover a new favorite food!


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